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Auto Accidents

Courts Address Dangers of Distracted Driving in Disputes Over Accidental Death Coverage for Auto Accidents

The problem of distracted driving has gained considerable attention in recent years. Distracted driving can play a significant role in determining neg...

Auto Accidents

Lee’s Summit Injury Lawyer Takes On Distracted Driving

Since 2007, Douglas R. Horn, Lead Attorney of The Horn Law Firm, has been on a crusade against distracted driving, devoting a significant amount of hi...

Auto Accidents

Kansas City Injury Lawyer Leading Driving Safety Effort

Kansas City injury lawyer Douglas R. Horn is a lawyer who concentrates in motor vehicle accident law and crash litigation. For over 20 years, Horn has...

Auto Accidents

Kansas City Ranks in Top Ten Percent of Allstate’s “America’s Best Drivers” Survey

Kansas City had a very strong showing in the most recent report on “America’s Best Drivers” from Allstate Insurance Company. The rep...

Auto Accidents

Distracted Driving Risks with New iPhone 5

With confirmed orders for more than 2 million new iPhone 5 phones, it’s easy to believe that hundreds of thousands of American drivers will now ...

Auto Accidents

Missouri Department of Transportation Campaign to Focus on Seat Belt Safety Report by Independence Accident Lawyer

Beginning this month, the Missouri Department of Transportation is displaying electronic roadside messages that inform motorists about the number of p...

Auto Accidents | Workers' Compensation | Wrongful Death

New Law Will Protect Missouri Highway Workers from Accidents

Highway construction workers in the state of Missouri are at a high risk of accidents when they are engaged in construction activity in a work zone. T...

Auto Accidents

Buying Used Car Tires Could Increase Rollover Risks

When times are bad, it is extremely tempting to try to save money by buying used car components. Some of the most popular used car parts are used tire...

Motorcycle Accidents

Education, Awareness Responsible for Drop in Motorcycle Fatalities in Missouri

An increase in education campaigns and awareness initiatives are being credited for a decline in motorcycle accident fatalities in Missouri. According...

Truck Accidents | Wrongful Death

Missouri Truck Rollover Accidents Take a Heavy Toll

Missouri ranks close to the top of a list of states in the frequency and severity of rollover truck accidents. According to a new study, the Interstat...