Track Record

A History of Success
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As Kansas City-based Injury Lawyers, Horn Law has recovered over $24 million in settlements, judgments, awards, and appeals over the past 5 years.

Although our track record dates back to the early 1990s, the sample of cases below represents some of the notable verdicts and settlements obtained in the last several years. Because many of our most significant cases involve confidential settlements, meaning non-disclosure was agreed to with the insurance company as a term of the settlement to avoid publicity, we take our responsibility seriously and are unable to publish specific monetary recoveries.

The majority of our cases are in Missouri and Kansas. Google reviews support our track record and may be helpful to individuals selecting an attorney in a serious personal injury case.

Motor Vehicle Track Record

Motor vehicle accident cases represent a large portion of our case load. Most commonly, we represent individuals who have suffered injuries to their head (brain), neck, back, arms, and legs. We have recovered over $10 million dollars in “out-of-court” policy limit settlements since 2017.

Car Accidents

  • The Horn Law Firm, P.C. obtained a $1.5 million dollar settlement for a husband and wife.  The husband suffered a spinal cord injury requiring long term care as a result of being struck by a car that failed to stop at a stop sign.
  • A $750,000.00 settlement was reached for our client who suffered a concussion when her car was struck by another driver who failed to yield the right of way. Our client also received worker’s compensation benefits since she was driving in the course and scope of employment at the time of the subject collision.
  • A $600,000.00 settlement was reached for our nineteen (19) year old client who suffered a traumatic brain injury when another car failed to yield the right of way.
  • A $500,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client, who suffered a wrist injury requiring three (3) separate surgeries to her dominant arm, when another driver failed to yield the right of way.
  • A $185,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client, who suffered a back injury requiring multiple pain management injections, when another car struck his car in a parking lot.
  • A $100,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client, who suffered a head injury, when an uninsured motorist struck her car.
  • A $125,000.00 settlement was reached for our client, who suffered multiple fractured ribs, when another car failed to yield the right of way at a busy intersection in Independence, Missouri.
  • The Horn Law Firm, P.C. obtained a $400,000.00 policy limits settlement for a family injured in a car collision. The at-fault driver failed to stop at a stop sign. The case was settled before a lawsuit was filed.
  • The Horn Law Firm, P.C. obtained a $375,000.00 settlement for a man who suffered a herniated lumbar disc in an auto accident. Because the accident happened while our client was in the course of his employment, our client also recovered worker’s compensation benefits.
  • A 36 year-old man, who suffered extensive soft tissue injuries to his neck and back, received a $325,000.00 settlement in a litigated case. This was an excellent recovery because our client had a history of pre-existing injury.
  • A lawsuit was brought against two large auto insurance companies in order to compensate a woman injured in an accident by a phantom vehicle. Prior to litigation neither insurance company offered a settlement. The claims were brought pursuant to uninsured motorist coverage and the case was settled for $220,282.00.
  • A Kansas case was settled before litigation for a passenger who suffered a non-surgical back fracture. The case involved a one vehicle rollover accident where the vehicle went down a steep embankment and came to rest in a ditch. A confidential settlement was reached.
  • A 38 year-old man who suffered a crushed ankle and foot in an auto accident obtained a $492,750.00 settlement. Our client also received worker’s compensation benefits since he was in the course and scope of employment at the time of injury.
  • We obtained a $317,500.00 settlement for a man who suffered fracture of the right tibia and fibula in an auto accident. Claims were brought pursuant to his under insured motorist policy.
  • We obtained a $200,000.00 settlement for our client who suffered a brain injury in an auto accident. Claims were brought pursuant to her uninsured motorist policy. A significant recovery was obtained because we argued the coverage should be “stacked” due to owning multiple vehicles.
  • The Horn Law Firm, P.C. obtained a $177,000.00 settlement for a man who suffered fractured ribs after being side-swiped by a box truck.
  • A lawsuit was brought against two large auto insurance companies in order to compensate a woman injured in a car accident.  Claims were brought pursuant to under-insured motorist coverage and the case was settled for $200,000.00.
  • A $150,000.00 wrongful death settlement was obtained for a wife when her husband was killed after being struck by another motorist.
  • A $165,000.00 settlement was obtained for a person, who injured her shoulder requiring four surgeries, after the driver of the vehicle rear-ended the car in front of him.
  • A fifty-two year old man, who suffered a traumatic neck injury during a car collision, requiring surgery, received a $425,621.20 settlement. Our client recovered the $25,000.00 policy limit from the tort-feasor and an additional $400,621.20, pursuant to an underinsured motorist policy.
  • A forty-three year old man, who suffered a traumatic neck injury during a car collision, requiring surgery, received a $278,500.00 settlement. This was an excellent recovery as the defense had originally denied any underinsured motorist exposure.
  • A seventy-seven year old man, who suffered a traumatic leg injury during a car collision, requiring a brace, received a $200,000.00 policy limits settlement.
  • A $300,000.00 policy limits settlement was obtained for a forty-seven year old woman who injured her foot, requiring surgery, during a head-on collision.
  • A $450,000.00 settlement was obtained for a fifty-eight year old man, who suffered a traumatic neck injury, affecting his ability to practice as a dentist, after a car collision.
  • A eighty-three year old man, who suffered sternum and rib fractures during a car collision, received a $139,000.00 settlement without the need of filing a lawsuit.
  • A fifty-six year old man, who suffered head, neck, back and shoulder injuries requiring surgical and chiropractic care, received a $100,000.00 settlement.
  • A $100,000.00 settlement was obtained for a client who suffered a fractured clavicle, broken ribs and a traumatic brain injury while riding an airport shuttle bus. The case was settled without the need of filing a lawsuit.
  • The Horn Law Firm, P.C. obtained a $250,000.00 settlement for a real estate agent who was injured in a car collision in Johnson County, Kansas. She suffered multiple pelvic fractures as a result of the collision.
  • A $125,000.00 settlement was obtained for a client who suffered injuries to his back, legs, knees, hips, neck and shoulder after being side-swiped by another car on U.S. 71 Highway in Kansas City, Missouri.
  • A $125,000.00 settlement was obtained for a police officer who suffered a head injury when a driver ran a red light in Johnson County, Kansas.
  • A $234,000.00 settlement was obtained for a family injured in a rear-end collision on Interstate 470 in Lee’s Summit, Missouri.
  • A $275,000.00 settlement was obtained for a client who suffered both personal injuries and wrongful death of his child when an adverse driver crossed the center line and hit our client head on.
  • A $100,000.00 policy limits settlement was obtained for our client who was a passenger in his nephews truck when it was ran off the road. Our client suffered head, neck, jaw, rib, sternum, and arm injuries.
  • The Horn Law Firm, P.C. obtained a $285,000.00 settlement for a woman who suffered neck injuries when rear-ended in a collision involving three cars.
  • A $302,097.69 settlement was reached when a combine pulled out in front of our client who was driving a jeep on a state highway. Our client suffered a broken back, broken wrist, head injury, and fractured sternum during the collision. Over a year of litigation and two mediations were required to reach this successful settlement.
  • A $100,000.00 settlement was reached for our client who suffered multiple fractured ribs when another driver ran a red light.
  • A husband and wife recovered $125,000.00, when they were rear-ended by a car, resulting in leg and arm injuries.
  • A $100,000.00 policy limits settlement was obtained for our client who suffered a back fracture when he was riding as a passenger in a car being driven too fast for wet road conditions by the driver.
  • A $200,000.00 policy limits settlement was obtained for our client who suffered shoulder injuries, requiring surgery, when she was rear-ended by another car.
  • A $135,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client who was riding as a passenger in a truck when the driver rear-ended another car.
  • A $150,000.00 policy limits settlement was obtained for our client who was riding as a passenger in a car when a second car failed to yield the right of way.
  • A $100,000.00 policy limits settlement was obtained for our client who suffered a shoulder injury. Our client was in the course of employment at the time of the car collision. Consequently, he also recovered $179,947.81 in worker’s compensation benefits.
  • A $150,000.00 settlement was reached for our 24 year old client who suffered a traumatic brain injury when the car she was driving was rear-ended. A comprehensive life care plan was key in reaching a successful settlement at mediation.
  • A $100,000.00 settlement was reached for our client who was injured by an out-of-state driver who carried less than the minimal insurance limit required in Missouri. We were able to stack the client’s uninsured motorist policies, resulting in $100,000 policy limit.
  • A $324,530.00 settlement was obtained for a husband and wife who suffered head, neck and back injuries in a car collision.
  • A $100,000.00 policy limit settlement was obtained for a college student who suffered head and back injuries in a car collision.
  • A $120,000.00 settlement was obtained for a husband and wife who suffered head injuries in a car collision.
  • A $110,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client who suffered a broken finger and jaw problems when she was struck by an uninsured motorist.
  • We obtained a $150,000.00 policy limits settlement for our twenty-six (26) year old client, who suffered multiple fractures to his right foot, requiring surgery, when the Defendant failed to yield the right of way.
  • We obtained a $440,000.00 settlement for our client who suffered a brain injury when an uninsured driver failed to yield the right of way. Our client recovered uninsured motorist and medical payments coverage under both his own policy and the policy of the car that he was occupying at the time of the collision.
  • We obtained a $100,000.00 policy limits settlement in Kansas for our client who suffered head, neck and back injuries in a car collision.
  • We obtained a $110,000.00 settlement for our client who suffered back injuries, requiring pain management injections, in a car collision.
  • A $200,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client who suffered a wrist injury, requiring surgery, during a rollover collision.
  • A $250,000.00 settlement was obtained for our clients, husband and wife, who suffered head injuries leading to (1) vision changes, (2) problems concentrating, (3) fatigue, (4) headaches and (5) dizziness, when their car was rear-ended.
  • We obtained a $100,000.00 policy limit settlement for our client who suffered knee, neck, shoulder and back injuries in a car collision.
  • A $100,000.00 policy limit settlement was obtained for our client who suffered a fractured nose when his car was rear-ended.
  • A $150,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client, who suffered a concussion, with vision changes and dizziness, when she was riding as a passenger in a car that rear-ended another vehicle.
  • A $105,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client who suffered a shoulder injury when his car was t-boned by another car that ran a red light.
  • A $110,000.00 settlement was reached for our client who injured his elbow when the Defendant rear-ended his car.
  • A $176,184.00 settlement was reached pre-suit for our client who was rear-ended and suffered a head injury.
  • A $125,000.00 settlement was reached for our client who suffered a head injury when another driver failed to stop at a stop sign.
  • A $100,661.34 settlement was obtained for our clients, who suffered a head injury and leg injury, when another driver, who was operating an RV, failed to stop at a stop sign. The case required aggressive litigation in order to reach this successful settlement.
  • A $174,000.00 settlement was reached when two (2) teenagers were rear-ended by a car while stopped at a stop light. Both teens suffered head, neck and back injuries requiring chiropractic care.
  • A $110,350.00 settlement was reached for a couple who suffered head, neck and back injuries when another car made an improper lane change and side-swiped their car.
  • A $215,000.00 settlement was reached for our client who suffered a brain injury when she was rear-ended on Interstate 470 by a commercial motor vehicle.
  • A $500,000.00 settlement was reached for the father and mother of a child who was killed in a head-on collision in Kansas.
  • A $100,000.00 policy limit settlement was obtained for our client who suffered a back injury, requiring pain control injections, when another car side-swiped our client’s truck.
  • A $250,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client, who suffered a brain injury and back injury, requiring the implantation of a spinal cord stimulator, when our client’s car was t-boned in an intersection by a pizza delivery driver.
  • A $275,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client, who suffered trauma-induced seizures, when our client’s car was rear-ended.
  • A $150,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client who suffered multiple fractured ribs, a fractured sternum and a fractured sacrum when the defendant driver ran a red light.
  • A $151,000.00 settlement was reached for our client who suffered a fractured skull and fractured nose when he was rear-ended.
  • A $152,750.00 settlement was reached for our clients who suffered head, neck and back injuries in a rear-end car collision.
  • A $105,000.00 settlement was reached for our client who suffered head, neck, back and left elbow injuries when the defendant driver failed to yield the right of way at an intersection in Lee’s Summit, Missouri.

Motorcycle Accidents

  • A $1,066,810.00 settlement was obtained for a husband and wife who both suffered brain injuries when they were struck by another car that failed to yield the right of way as they were riding their motorcycle.
  • Over a $1 million dollar settlement was obtained for a motorcyclist who lost his leg when another vehicle crossed into his lane.
  • A $525,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client who was riding his motorcycle and suffered a fractured ankle when another car failed to yield.
  • A $909,000.00 wrongful death settlement was obtained for the parents of a 17 year-old motorcyclist killed on a dangerous stretch of highway in Jackson County, Missouri.
  • Horn Law recovered $500,000.00 for a husband and wife for injuries they suffered when a trash truck side-swiped their motorcycle. During aggressive litigation, the trash truck driver’s poor driving record was uncovered leading to a favorable settlement.
  • Our client was propelled off his motorcycle when struck by a vehicle who failed to yield the right-of-way. Horn Law was able to obtain a $200,000.00 settlement in regards to back injuries suffered by the motorcyclist. The case was filed in Jackson County, Missouri, and was settled after taking the case to the Missouri Court of Appeals.
  • $100,000.00 was recovered for our client in 2 different settlements relating to a motorcycle vs. car collision where our client suffered knee and leg injuries.
  • A motorcyclist suffered severe head injuries when he was propelled onto the hood of the car driven by a negligent driver. Although our client was wearing a helmet, permanent head injuries resulted and a large settlement took into account the permanent disability of the head injury.
  • A liability claim was made against a community college on the basis that they negligently conducted a motorcycle safety course on wet pavement. During the course, a woman suffered leg injuries when her motorcycle fell on her during the course as a direct result of the wet pavement. The case was settled shortly before trial.
  • A settlement was made before litigation for our client who was hit from the rear, propelled top the pavement, and suffered multiple injuries. The collision happened just minutes after our client had purchased the motorcycle. A maximum recovery was obtained.
  • A $274,500.00 settlement was recovered for a motorcyclist who was seriously injured when he rear-ended the car in front of him after an object fell on the roadway from an unidentified truck causing the car in front of him to take evasive action to avoid the object.  Claims were made against the motorcycle operator’s uninsured motorist policies based on the unidentified truck failing to secure the load.
  • A husband and wife, who were riding separate motorcycles, recovered $96,000.00 when a car pulled out in front of them resulting in a collision. The husband and wife suffered road rash with no broken bones or surgical conditions.
  • A Blue Springs, MO man recovered $105,000.00 when a seventeen year old girl, who was using her cell phone, ran a stop sign colliding with our client. Our client injured his neck, head, chest, and pelvis during the collision.
  • A husband and wife, who were riding the same motorcycle, recovered $258,500.00 in a motorcycle collision.  Both the husband’s and wife’s injuries required surgery.
  • A motorcyclist suffered abdomen injuries when he was impaled by the corner of a commercial trailer. The trailer was parked on a residential street with poor lighting and no visible reflective tape. The insurance company for the trailer denied the claim pre-suit. After a year of litigation, a $113,500.00 settlement was reached.
  • A $146,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client who suffered a wrist injury requiring surgery, when another motorist suddenly made a left-hand turn in front of our client as he was riding his motorcycle in Johnson County, Kansas.
  • A $150,000.00 settlement was recovered for our client who suffered an injury to his left knee when another driver ran a red light and struck our client as he was riding his motorcycle.
  • A $100.000.00 policy limits settlement was obtained for our client who was ejected from his motorcycle when a car failed to yield the right of way.
  • A $100,000.00 policy limits settlement was obtained for our client who was forced to lay his bike down when another driver pulled out in front of him. Our client suffered broken bones resulting in surgery.
  • We obtained a $100,000.00 settlement for a motorcyclist who suffered neck, back and elbow pain when the defendant failed to yield the right of way. Our client also suffered from road rash as a consequence of the collision. A plastic surgeon report regarding the permanency of the scarring was key to reaching a successful settlement.
  • A $101,000.00 settlement was reached for our client, who suffered a fractured left shoulder and ribs, when he was struck by another car while riding his motorcycle.

Truck Accidents

  • The Horn Law Firm, P.C. obtained a $875,000.00 settlement for our clients. The father and grandmother of our clients were both killed when a semi-truck rear-ended their car causing it to catch on fire. Retention of an accident reconstructionist was key in reaching this successful result for our clients.
  • Our client was side-swiped by a semi-truck on westbound I-70 in Kansas City and suffered head injuries, including short-term memory loss. Horn Law obtained a $212,630.93 settlement to cover past, present, & future medical expenses, wage loss, and other damages when aggressive litigation revealed that the federal government had shut down the trucking company for repeated safety violations.
  • A husband and wife recovered $120,000.00 for soft tissue injuries they suffered in a chain-reaction accident caused by a truck on I-35 in Kansas. The trucking firm refused to offer fair compensation prior to Horn Law filing a lawsuit. The case was settled shortly before trial.
  • A confidential settlement was reached for an elderly man who suffered multiple injuries, including a broken pelvis and head trauma when he was side-swiped by a semi-truck on a state highway. The case was litigated in the United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri.
  • A confidential settlement was reached with several defendants for a client who suffered a sudden onset of neck injury eventually requiring pain management treatment. The settlement with the trucking firm was particularly successful because of evidence there was pre-existing injury and a prior accident.
  • A confidential settlement was reached for a passenger who suffered a fractured cervical spine and permanent disability when a commercial truck slid off the interstate into a roadside ditch. The case was difficult because our client was considered an “unauthorized passenger” and the fault of the driver was unclear.
  • A husband and wife recovered $157,500.00 for injuries they suffered in a rear-end collision caused by tractor-trailer on I-70 in Missouri. Before litigation, the trucking firm had offered a small settlement. The case was filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri.
  • A single mother was taking her son to preschool when a trash truck failed to yield the right of way, striking their car. A $255,000.00 settlement was reached through mediation. Our client suffered injury to her knees, requiring surgery.
  • A $229,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client who was riding as a passenger in a car when an unidentified tractor-trailer merged into our client’s lane forcing the car into the median. Uninsured motorist claims were brought against both our client’s insurance and the car he was occupying.
  • A $350,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client who suffered ankle fractures when she was struck by a semi-truck. The case settled pre-suit without the need for litigation.
  • A confidential settlement was reached for our client who suffered a wrist injury requiring surgery, when a semi-truck ran a red light.
  • A confidential settlement was reached for our client who suffered a neck injury, requiring surgery, when a school bus ran a red light.
  • A $197,500.00 settlement was obtained for our clients, a father and daughter, who suffered head, neck and back injuries when a semi-truck crossed into their lane and side-swiped their car on the Interstate.
  • A confidential settlement was reached for our client who suffered a broken arm, requiring surgery, when our client was rear-ended by a truck.
  • A confidential settlement was reached for our client, who suffered knee, back and head injuries, when she was side-swiped by a commercial truck. Our client required two different surgeries as a result of the subject collision.
  • A confidential settlement was reached for our client, who suffered head, neck and back injuries, when she was injured by a speeding semi-truck on the Interstate.

Drunk Driving Accidents

  • A $1,822,996.00 settlement was reached for a client who suffered a traumatic brain injury while riding as a passenger with a drunk driver.  This was a single car crash, where the car struck a mailbox and then a tree in Cass County, Missouri.
  • A $1,350,000.00 settlement was reached for a client who suffered a traumatic brain injury when struck by a drunk driver at an intersection in Jackson County, Missouri. A comprehensive life care plan was essential in reaching this successful settlement.
  • A $358,000.00 settlement was obtained for an Independence, MO. family injured by an intoxicated driver. The family was driving through an intersection when the defendant ran a red light resulting in a high impact collision.
  • A settlement of $85,000.00 for a husband and wife who suffered soft tissues injuries because of the negligence of a drunk driver. The settlement represented an excellent recovery because the couple’s medical bills were less than $10,000.00 and neither suffered permanent injury.
  • A settlement for a man injured in a violent pick-up truck/work truck collision that occurred late at night. The defendant was an out-of-state construction worker who was heavily intoxicated. In addition to a substantial settlement, our client also received worker’s compensation benefits in the form of medical treatment for his leg injury and payments while he was off work from his injuries.
  • Horn Law represented a physician who suffered a permanent hand/wrist injury after being hit by a drunk driver. The collision occurred in Columbia, Missouri. The case was significant because the injury interfered with the physician’s ability to treat patients.
  • A case settlement was reached just before a jury trial in the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri involving an out-of-state couple seriously injured by a drunk driver. The defendant was an employee on a business trip who was drinking alone when he decided to leave his hotel. The case settlement was confidential and involved payment by the drunk driver’s employer.
  • A settlement of $40,000.00 for a sixty-two (62) year old who suffered soft tissue injuries to her neck and back after being rear-ended by a drunk driver. The settlement represented an excellent recovery because she treated with a chiropractor and her bills were less than $10,000.00.
  • A $100,000.00 policy limit settlement was reached for our client who suffered multiple lacerations on his body, resulting in permanent scarring, when he was struck by a drunk driver.
  • A $100,000.00 policy limit settlement was obtained for our client who suffered (1) head, (2) neck and (3) back injuries when a drunk driver crossed the centerline and struck our client.
  • A $100,000.00 policy limit settlement was obtained for our client who suffered hand injuries, resulting in permanent scarring, when she was involved in a single car collision as a passenger. The intoxicated driver had no insurance. As a result, a claim was made under our client’s uninsured motorist policy.

Personal Injury Track Record

At Horn Law we concentrate in personal injury law and we handle many types of cases, including injury claims arising from motor vehicle accidents, premises liability, medical/pharmacy error, and dangerous conditions. No matter what the circumstances, we dedicate our full professional resources in order to maximize our client’s recovery.

Dangerous Conditions

  • Horn Law routinely represents clients who are severely injured due to dangerous conditions. A by-product of our case is that businesses will have an incentive to improve customer safety.
  • A $6,006,241.50 settlement was reached for a twenty-eight year old who suffered a traumatic brain injury while working in a warehouse. A detailed life care plan and economic report were vital in reaching a settlement prior to trial by jury. Additionally, our client also recovered worker’s compensation benefits as he was in the course and scope of employment at the time of injury.
  • A thirty-seven year old man, who suffered a traumatic brain injury while working at a stockyard, received a six figure confidential settlement. The case was settled shortly before trial, after aggressive litigation. The insurance company had offered nothing to settle the matter before litigation.
  • A wrongful death settlement in the amount of $110,000.00 was reached for the mother and father of a young boy who died as a result of a hotel swimming pool drowning. During the case, we uncovered key information concerning the maintenance of the pool that led to the settlement.
  • A confidential settlement was reached for a pregnant lady and her unborn child who both suffered toxic exposure to carbon monoxide in her workplace. The case was brought against a local construction firm and a national manufacturer of machinery used in construction.
  • Dangerous steps at a large hotel caused our client to fall and suffer multiple injuries, including permanent injuries to her knees. The case was resolved at mediation after we demonstrated that the stair case in question had been neglected and not properly maintained with a non-slip surface. Although the hotel put up a vigorous defense, a large confidential settlement was reached.
  • Horn Law obtained a jury verdict of $189,000.00 in a case involving a slip and fall on water at a grocery store. Prior to trial in the Jackson County, Missouri Circuit Court, the defense attorneys for the grocery store had offered a small settlement. The jury assessed 50% fault to both plaintiff and defendant.
  • A 6 figure confidential settlement was reached for a woman who suffered a severe knee injury requiring surgical repair when she slipped on a substance, possibly soap, in the middle of the main aisle on a large outlet store.
  • A settlement of $224,000.00 for our client in her claims against the City of Kansas City, Missouri after she suffered multiple leg fractures when she slipped on the ice formed after a water main leak in front of her house. The evidence revealed, after months of legal discovery, the water main leak was a chronic leak that had never been adequately repaired even though the city had notice of the leak.
  • A $100,000.00 settlement was reached, without litigation, for a man who suffered a shoulder injury when he slipped and fell on a slippery deck. The man was walking across the deck, adjacent to a hot tub, when he slipped on moss or some other substance that had formed near the base of the hot tub.
  • A $290,000.00 settlement was obtained for a truck driver who injured his back requiring surgery, while making a delivery to a manufacturing plant. The dock was under construction with no sign warning of this dangerous condition. Additionally, we also recovered worker’s compensation benefits for our client as he was in the course and scope of employment at the time of injury.
  • Horn Law obtained a jury verdict of $173,000.00 in a case involving a slip and fall on water at a grocery store, before an assessment of comparative fault. This represented an excellent recovery since Horn Law previously tried the case resulting in a defense verdict.  Horn Law appealed the result to the Missouri Court of Appeals based on improper trial tactics by defense counsel and a new trial was granted.
  • A 6 figure confidential settlement was reached for a woman who suffered a shoulder injury when she tripped over cords from medical equipment located in a local hospital.  The case was settled shortly before trial.
  • A $250,000 settlement was obtained for a special needs student who was injured while at school when his wheelchair went off the side of the playground pavement. When his wheels went over the edge and into the grass, our client was thrown out of his wheelchair, resulting in a fractured femur. Claims were made based on premises liability and negligent supervision. This was an excellent recovery since our client had a long, complex medical history, which the defense attempted to use to avoid paying our client’s full damages. We successfully argued, under Missouri law, a tort-feasor “takes the plaintiff as he/she finds him/her.” This is known as the “eggshell plaintiff” rule. Under the rule, a plaintiff cannot be penalized for having a “predisposition” toward a certain injury.
  • A $205,000.00 settlement was reached for a woman who suffered a large laceration to her head, resulting in seizures, when a rock was propelled out of a lawn mower being operated near a picnic area.
  • A $255,000.00 settlement was reached for our client who suffered a finger injury, requiring surgery, while dining at a restaurant.

Pedestrian Accidents

  • Horn Law represents pedestrians who have been severely injured or killed by a negligent driver.
  • In 2020, Attorneys Laurie Del Percio and Douglas Horn obtained a $1,635,000.00 settlement for a widow. Her husband was killed at an auto repair shop when an employee struck her husband while backing out a customer’s car.  The case required two mediations and aggressive litigation before the settlement was reached.
  • In 2011, Attorneys Douglas Horn and Laurie Del Percio obtained a $500,000.00 settlement for a Kansas jogger who suffered a head injury and orthopedic injuries.
  • A college student was struck by a car as she was crossing the street on campus. This matter was significant because our client incurred a large amount of medical and rehabilitative expense. Horn Law’s Lead Litigator, Laurie Del Percio, took the case to trial and the jury returned a verdict in our client’s favor.
  • An elderly disabled lady was killed when her motorized wheelchair was hit by a truck as she was crossing an intersection. The defendant argued that the motorized wheelchair was difficult to see because it did not have an attached safety flag. The wrongful death case was resolved for the insurance policy limits.
  • A college student was riding her bicycle to class when she was struck by a motorist, who ran a red light in Wyandotte County, Kansas. The case was resolved for the $100,000.00 policy limit before suit was filed.
  • A college student was struck by a car as she was walking to class. The case was resolved for $227,500.00. Claims were made against the driver of the car and our client’s under-insured motorist policy. A lawsuit was filed in Kansas Federal Court.
  • A $124,600.00 policy limits settlement was obtained for our client who suffered shoulder and hip injuries when he was struck by a car as he was walking in a grocery store parking lot.
  • We obtained a $45,000.00 settlement for our client who was struck by a car while walking her dog and suffered a head injury.
  • We obtained a $75,000.00 settlement for our client who was struck by a car while walking and suffered a fractured leg. Our client made an uninsured motorist claim under her own insurance policy since the unknown driver that hit her fled the scene.
  • A $205,000.00 settlement was obtained for our client, who was employed as a waitress, when a car drove through one of the restaurant’s walls. Our client suffered head, neck and back injuries. Our client also recovered a worker’s compensation award since she was in the course and scope of employment at the time of the subject collision.

Medical Error

  • Horn Law routinely represents clients and families of those severely injured or killed by medical errors. Medical Error cases involve substantial financial investment and aggressive representation, including early investigation and preservation of evidence.
  • A wrongful death claim was brought against two doctors on the basis of two medical errors. The first medical error involved a doctor who failed to properly read radiology film. The second error involved a failure to detect a cancerous tumor. Confidential settlements were reached with both doctors prior to trial for the family.
  • A $1 million dollar plus verdict was obtained in favor of a woman against a surgeon and a resident physician who prematurely removed a breathing tube from the patient after a weight reduction surgery. The case was tried in Jackson County, Missouri.
  • A 6 figure confidential settlement was reached in a hospital liability case where the patient received the wrong dosage of his anti-depressant medicine resulting permanent injury. This was a very successful result given our client’s extensive medical history prior to the medical error.
  • A $241,000.00 verdict was obtained in favor of our client and against a negligent doctor who failed to schedule a pelvic ultrasound. Our client later was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The case was tried in Platte County, Missouri.
  • A 6 figure confidential settlement for our client was reached in a medical case that involved negligent treatment of post-surgical infection. The defendant was a doctor who refused to take responsibility for the post-surgical care of a patient who had a hernia surgery.
  • Our firm represented a 3 week old infant who fell victim to hospital nursing error as a direct result of an IV infiltration. The infant recovered and the case was settled with the hospital. The case was significant because the hospital specialized in pediatric care.
  • Horn Law brought suit in the District Court of Johnson County, Kansas involving an allegation of an unnecessary nasal surgery. Our expert doctors testified that the defendant made a serious judgment error that failed to meet the standard of care. This testimony swung the case in our client’s favor and a settlement was reached before trial.
  • Horn Law obtained a verdict in favor of our client against a mental health care provder who failed to order a simple blood test resulting in our client becoming lithium toxic.  The case was tried in Johnson County, Kansas.
  • A nursing home malpractice case was brought against caregivers who negligently dropped a patient resulting in a broken leg.  A 6 figure confidential settlement for our client was reached just days before trial.

    Pharmacy Error

    • Since 2005, Horn Law has handled over 120 pharmacy error cases in 36 states. Approximately 60% of our cases involve a prescription filled with a wrong medication. 23% of the cases involve a wrong dosage. We regularly take on cases against Walgreen’s, CVS, Rite-Aid, Wal-Mart, Target, and a host of other large retail pharmacies.
    • When we agree to take on a pharmacy error case, it is our primary objective to obtain a fair and full recovery for our client. A by-product of our case is that pharmacies will have an incentive to improve procedures in order that the risk of future errors be minimized.
    • Horn Law was lead counsel for a Minnesota woman who was afflicted with significant skin lesions following a pharmacy error involving a prescription that was being transferred from one pharmacy to another pharmacy. A confidential settlement was reached after the parties entered into a mediation.
    • A confidential settlement was obtained for a Virginia woman who became pregnant after receiving incorrect instructions regarding a birth control prescription from a mail-order pharmacy.
    • Horn Law represented the mother and father of a Colorado infant who nearly died because of a prescription error made by a pharmacist employed by a large chain pharmacy. This was a case where the defendant corporation was challenging both liability and damages. A confidential settlement was obtained shortly before trial.
    • A confidential settlement was obtained for a young child who suffered alleged memory loss due to a prescription error in Texas. Strong testimony from both a well-respected neurologist and an expert toxicologist were the key to this successful result.
    • Additionally, over the recent past Horn Law has resolved 35 cases involving pharmacy mistakes involving anti-depressant medications. Patients who depend upon these medications for their mental and emotional well-being go through severe pain, suffering, and discomfort when there is a sudden withdrawal of the medication due to the wrong medication or dosage being dispensed.

    Other Serious Injury Cases

    • A confidential settlement was reached with a large railroad in favor of a young mother who collided with a locomotive at an unprotected crossing in rural Missouri. The evidence, including the recordings from the train’s “black box,” revealed that the train engineer failed to sound its horn as the train approached the crossing.
    • A $200,000.00 settlement was reached for our client who suffered burns to his hands when the vehicle he was riding in caught fire. The liability evidence hinged on a defective repair to a fuel pump that caused a fuel leak. The defective repair was performed hours before the fire at a Missouri car dealership.
    • We represented a young man who suffered severe injuries to his neck/throat when he drove a go-cart into a single steel cable barricade while in a city park. The city disputed liability even through we produced evidence that the cable was in disrepair and the city had notice of this fact. A 6 figure settlement was reached prior to trial.
    • We obtained a $37,000.00 recovery for a client who suffered a leg laceration when cut by shattered glass at an indoor sports facility.
    • A farm accident in Nebraska where our client suffered lower extremity injuries when 2 bales of hay, weighing over 1,000 pounds, were pushed off a flat-bed truck in a loading accident resulted in a large confidential settlement prior to litigation.
    • An ATV accident in which a teenager lost his arm when he ran into a tree resulted in a maximum recovery for our young client. Liability was based on the fact that the owners of the ATV had given permission to use the ATV on their property without supervision or safety considerations. The case was successfully settled prior to trial.
    • Over the recent past, we have successfully represented children from Missouri and Kansas who were attacked by vicious dogs and suffered severe bite wounds and permanent scarring, including a case where a child, who was visiting his father in Arkansas, was bitten on the face by a pit bull.
    • A $70,000.00 settlement was obtained for a client who suffered facial lacerations when she was injured by a steel cable.
    • A $120,000.00 settlement was obtained for our five (5) clients who were Missouri residents, visiting in Alabama, when their car was rear-ended. The settlement was reached without the need for a lawsuit.
    • A $104,235.47 settlement was reached, without the need for litigation, for a single mother and her son who both suffered ankle injuries when their car was t-boned at an intersection.
    • A $124,750.00 settlement was obtained for our three (3) clients who were injured on the Lake of the Ozarks when a jet ski struck the boat. A settlement was reached against the driver of the boat and the driver of the jet ski.
    • A $200,000.00 policy limits settlement was obtained for our client who suffered a right ankle fracture, requiring surgery, when he was injured in a motor vehicle collision while visiting family in Oklahoma.
    • A $149,016.00 settlement was obtained for a family of four (4), who were all injured, when another car failed to stop at a red light.
    • A $100,000.00 policy limits settlement was reached for a wife, whose husband was killed, when an uninsured driver failed to yield the right of way.
    • A $62,000.00 settlement was recovered for our client who suffered facial lacerations when he was bitten by a pit bull.
    • A $75,000.00 settlement was recovered for our client who suffered foot, hand and abdomen lacerations when she was bitten by a pit bull.

    Note: past case results are no guarantee of future results. Every case is different and must be judged on its own merits.

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