Stronger Driving Safety Laws Finds Support Among Crash Lawyers
Kansas City Car Accident Lawyer Calls for All Passenger Seat Belts, Stronger GDL Laws The Emergency Nurses Association has just released its annual st...
Missouri State Highway Patrol Traffic Safety Award
As a Kansas City car accident attorney and a highway safety advocate, I was very pleased to learn that the Missouri Highway Patrol was honored by the ...
Missouri Truck Accident Being Linked to Driver Fatigue
Driver fatigue has been linked to a fatal truck accident in Bond County, Missouri. According to police, the accident occurred last Saturday morning wh...
Revised Licensing For Seniors Recommended by Missouri Highway Safety Leader
According to a report by the Government Accountability Office, about one in every five licensed drivers in the United States will be above 65 years of...
Drowsy Driving Is a Factor in 17% of All Motor Vehicle Crashes
A new study should wake us all up to the role of drowsy driving in motor vehicle crashes. The study conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety...
Tragic School Bus Accident in St. Joseph, Missouri
Mason Adams, a model 16 year-old boy with a promising future, was killed when he was hit by a school bus as he was crossing the street on his way to s...
Recent Increase in Traffic Accident Fatalities in Southeast Missouri Opposes Nations Trends
Overall, I have been very encouraged at the decline in traffic accident fatalities across the state of Missouri. However, Southeast Missouri has actua...
Missouri Highway Safety Updates: October 2010
Drunk Driving Awareness. Missouri now allows state approved memorial signs to be placed in honor of drunk driving victims. The first sign in the Kansa...
Missouri Truck Safety Legal Analysis
Most fatal truck accidents in 2009 in Missouri and nationwide, were caused not because of fatigue, but speeding. That information comes from an analys...
Teen Driver Safety Legal Information
The number of car accidents involving teen drivers is on the decline, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However...