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Auto Accidents

Teens at High Risk of Accidents with Same Age Passengers

Distractions are the primary reason why teenage motorists have a much higher risk of accidents while driving with other teen passengers. That fact was...

Auto Accidents

Distracted Driving Accident Results in Prison Sentence Intended by Judge as a Deterrent

A Massachusetts judge imposed the maximum allowable sentence on a teen convicted of motor vehicle homicide, calling it a deterrent to distracted drivi...

Auto Accidents | Truck Accidents | Wrongful Death

Fatigued Driving Accident Lawsuit Moves Between Missouri State and Federal Courts – Phelps v. Schwab

A lawsuit arising from an accident between a pickup truck and a tractor trailer, Phelps v. Schwab, has bounced around between state and federal courts...

Auto Accidents

Kansas City Lawyer Active in Distracted Driving Prevention

This morning I (Douglas Horn) was on the morning show on Fox 4 TV in Kansas City, Missouri. I was interviewed by Nick Vasos about my recent statement ...

Auto Accidents

Missouri Federal Court Dismisses Auto Accident Lawsuit for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction: Blunt v. Farmers Insurance Company

A federal judge in Missouri dismissed a lawsuit arising out of a car accident, Blunt v. Farmers Insurance Company, finding that the court lacked subje...

Auto Accidents

Missouri Crash Lawyer Hitting the Airwaves in Response to Distracted Driving Crisis

With the proliferation of the cell phone, distracted driving prevention now is the Nation’s top highway safety priority. Further, what used to b...


Missouri Plaintiffs Lawyer Starts Program to Target Distracted Driving

Douglas Horn, a Missouri plaintiffs lawyer, thinks that texting while driving has become more dangerous than drinking and driving. Laws that prohibit ...

Auto Accidents

Distracted Driving Prevention Program Started By Kansas City Injury Lawyer Gains Momentum

Drive By Example, a distracted driving prevention program, was recently featured on Fox 4 TV in Kansas City, Missouri. “The distracted driving c...

Auto Accidents

Rental Car Company Not Liable for Driver’s Distraction, According to Appellate Court: Ford v. Hertz Corp.

A recent court decision addressed the issue of distracted driving. A driver who suffered injuries when another driver, who was allegedly distracted by...

Auto Accidents

Auto Insurance Recommendations From Kansas City Injury Lawyer

Because dangerous driving is on the rise, it is a good idea for every motorist to review their auto insurance coverages every year to make sure they h...