Kansas City Lawyer Active in Distracted Driving Prevention

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by | Nov 1, 2012 | Auto Accidents

This morning I (Douglas Horn) was on the morning show on Fox 4 TV in Kansas City, Missouri. I was interviewed by Nick Vasos about my recent statement that distracted drivers are “more deadly” than drunk drivers. I have taken some criticism over that statement and wanted to briefly explain my position.

First, while both drunk driving and distracted driving are the types of driving behaviors that can result in tragic circumstances, it is difficult to make a comparison between drunk and distracted driving because every accident is different in terms of severity. However, my point is that distracted driving is more deadly because there are more distracted drivers than drunk drivers, therefore, we motorists face a greater risk. Safe drivers are now becoming dangerous drivers because of the cell phone use while driving.

Secondly, from a highway safety standpoint, we have made great strides in reducing drunk driving fatalities. The credit for this belongs to law enforcement. Sobriety checks and mass media awareness campaigns have made people think twice about drinking and driving. In contrast, as cell phone technology continues to expand, it is predicted that the number of distracted drivers in Missouri will increase. This is especially true given the fact that our state does not prohibit texting and driving for those 22 and older.

As a crash lawyer who represents the victims of all types of dangerous driving, I feel I have a platform to not only make a difference for my clients, but make a difference for our entire region. We have additional distracted driving prevention initiatives planned for 2012, including our work with schools and mass media campaigns.

I want to thank Fox 4 Kansas City for helping me alert people to the new universe of risk on the roadway. Please contact me at dhorn@hornlaw.com if you have any comments or recommendations for the advancement of driver safety.