Missouri Crash Lawyer Hitting the Airwaves in Response to Distracted Driving Crisis

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by | Oct 25, 2012 | Auto Accidents

With the proliferation of the cell phone, distracted driving prevention now is the Nation’s top highway safety priority. Further, what used to be considered a driving safety issue limited to texting teen drivers, is now a problem that has expanded to all age groups, especially working adults.

Douglas R. Horn, a Kansas City crash lawyer and driving safety expert, will be featured on St. Joseph, Missouri’s KQTV, Ch. 2, ABC 10pm Central news on Sunday night to advocate for a new approach to fight against distracted driving. “The current method of encouraging drivers to drive safe is often a message that preaches don’t do this, or don’t do that. While those messages can be effective in some instances, with distracted driving prevention I believe the message must be positively framed in order to obtain the greatest impact”, Horn says.

“The driving safety message, to both teens and adults, must inform drivers that they are expected to drive alert, buckled, and cautious when driving.”

To back up his position, Horn has started a driving safety campaign called Drive By Example. The program helps warn all drivers of the significant risks posed by dangerous drivers, including those drivers using their cell phones while driving. Horn believes that when the risk of distracted driving is actively promoted, drivers will take steps to protect themselves, their passengers, and others on the roadway from distracted drivers. Also, drivers will think twice about picking up their phones when behind the wheel.

Horn, who has over 20 years of experience as an accident trial lawyer, called distracted driving more dangerous than drunk driving. Based upon his legal experience, while drunk drivers have a slowed reaction time behind the wheel, distracted drivers often have no reaction time because their eyes are on their phones and not on the road. “As a Missouri crash lawyer, I have seen a spike in violent collisions because of the cell phone. I am doing my best to raise public awareness to this issue – it is projected to get worse”.

For information on how Drive By Example can help your school, business firm, or community, contact Horn at dhorn@hornlaw.com.