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Auto Accidents

Cell phones, Sleep, Key Factors in Keeping Teen Pedestrians Safe

It is well-known that talking on a cell phone puts teen drivers at more risk for a collision.  But how about “distracted pedestrians”? Gi...

Auto Accidents

Kansas City Lawyer Partners With The Metropolitan Community Colleges To Advance Driver Safety, Reduce Highway Fatalities

Douglas R. Horn, Founder of Horn Law, has taken his “Drive By Example” driver safety program to the Metropolitan Community Colleges in Gre...

Workers' Compensation

Senior Transportation Workers More Likely to Die on the Job

New data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that senior transportation workers above the age of 65 have a much highe...

Auto Accidents

Recent Study Reveals That ADHD Compounds Distracted Driving Risks

Teenage drivers, who suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD, may be at a much higher risk of accidents compared to teens who do ...

Auto Accidents

International Vacation Driving Tips

Every year, more Americans are killed in car accidents abroad than any other travel-related factors like illnesses. According to the Centers for Disea...

Auto Accidents

Residents of Rural Missouri at Greater Risk of Death due to Injury

According to new research, residents of rural areas are at a much higher risk of dying from injury, compared to residents of urban areas.  This is in...

Auto Accidents

NTSB Pushes for Federals Connected Vehicles Mandate to Reduce Accident Risks

The National Transportation Safety Board is calling on the federal administration to develop standards for vehicle communication technology, also call...

Auto Accidents

Increased Drowsy Driving Accident Risks this Summer

This summer, Missouri motorists are at a much higher risk of sharing the road with motorists who are driving while fatigued or drowsy.  Drowsy drivin...

Auto Accidents

Retired Couple Hurt In Violent Independence Missouri Auto Accident

On June 19, 2013 a retired couple from Kansas City, Missouri were hurt when a driver crossed over a center median on South Jackson Drive and crashed i...

Auto Accidents

New Study Finds Higher Crash Risk While Using Hands-Free Sets

For years now, promoters of hands-free technology have claimed that these technologies are much safer than the use of hand-held cell phones for textin...