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Be Very Cautious in Settling Concussion Claims

If you have suffered a concussion and are now considering an insurance company offer of settlement, it is a good idea to get a legal opinion before yo...


National Flag Day June 14, 2018

This Thursday marks the 241st anniversary of the adoption of the U.S. Flag. On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress, created the Flag in jus...


Kansas City Crash Lawyer Doug Horn Proposes New Method To Curb Distracted Drivers

Attorney Doug Horn likes to say that he has had both a front row seat and a bird’s eye view of the distracted driving epidemic that is gripping ...


Independence, Missouri Lawyer Develops Program To Help Reduce Accidents On Missouri’s Rural Roads

People who live in rural areas of Missouri know that there is not much room for error on the county and state highway roads that cris-cross Missouri. ...


Driver Alert For April 27-29

With the nice weather expected this weekend, I expect there will be many more motorcycles on the road so please keep an extra-careful lookout. Because...


What is the Difference Between an Average and a Very Good Settlement in an Injury Claim?

The reason this is an important question is because, typically, an injured person is entitled to only one insurance settlement in their personal injur...


What is a Pain & Sufferings?

In the context of a injury claim, “pain & suffering” commonly refers to the compensation an injured person deserves for their pain, hu...


Why Are Injury Claims Worth So Much?

My job is to make sure injured people receive fair and full compensation in their insurance claims. My work is seldom easy because well-funded insuran...


How To Protect Yourself Against Other Drivers Who Don’t Carry Enough Insurance

This blog recommends that drivers check with their insurance agent to make sure they have under-insured motorist coverage on their auto policy to ensu...


Something To Think About If You Know Someone Who Has Been Diagnosed with a Head Injury

Frequently I am involved in cases where a person has suffered a head injury and is eventually diagnosed with “MTBI” or mild traumatic brai...