What If You Contracted COVID-19 On the Job?
This blog is authored by Attorney Douglas R. Horn, an Independence, Missouri, lawyer who concentrates on handling Missouri injury claims. April...
This blog is authored by Attorney Douglas R. Horn, an Independence, Missouri, lawyer who concentrates on handling Missouri injury claims. April...
The majority of employees injured while on the job are entitled to worker compensation benefits under state law. For the purposes of this article, Ind...
When you are receiving workers’ compensation benefits, you may hear often that it is always best to return to work as soon as you are ready. Whi...
It’s no secret to any Missouri worker’s compensation lawyer that shift-based workers are at a high risk for accidents and injuries. In man...
Approximately 75% of all persons who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome and are given steroid injections for their condition, will require surgery in ...
New data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that senior transportation workers above the age of 65 have a much highe...
Under Missouri Worker Compensation laws, injured workers are entitled to three (3) benefits, including appropriate medical treatment. While injured wo...
Highway construction workers in the state of Missouri are at a high risk of accidents when they are engaged in construction activity in a work zone. T...
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/the-center-for-public-integrity/model-workplaces-not-alwa_b_892322.html A report by the Center for Public Integrity indi...
http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=NEWS_RELEASES&p_id=20016 A Missouri poultry company has been cited by the Occupatio...