Accident Risks Exist Even in OSHA’s Model Workplaces
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/the-center-for-public-integrity/model-workplaces-not-alwa_b_892322.html A report by the Center for Public Integrity indi...
Missouri Poultry Company Cited after Workplace Death
http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=NEWS_RELEASES&p_id=20016 A Missouri poultry company has been cited by the Occupatio...
Federal Law Banning Drop Side Cribs Goes into Effect
http://www.thirdage.com/news/cribs-with-drop-sides-now-illegal_07-04-2011 Missouri Injury Attorneys would like to alert Missourians to a new law that ...
Walking Style, Gaze Direction May Hold Clues to Reducing Slip and Fall Accident Risks
http://www.healthcanal.com/geriatrics-aging/18242-Older-people-less-likely-fall-they-pay-attention-their-feet.html Researchers in the United Kingdom h...
Simple Technology Can Prevent Thousands of Table Saw Injuries Every Year
http://www.npr.org/2011/06/18/137258370/if-table-saws-can-be-safer-why-arent-they Every year, thousands of people are injured from the use of table sa...
Female Struck by Several Cars on Interstate in Kansas City Pedestrian Accident
Local police are investigating a deadly Kansas City pedestrian accident that took place last week on Interstate 29 at Tiffany Springs Parkway, accordi...
OSHA Presentation on Preventing Construction Fall Accidents
http://www.safetyphoto.co.uk/blog/osha-slide-presentation-shows-employers-how-to-protect-residential-construction-workers-from-falls/ The Occupational...
Pool Owners Must Inspect Drain Covers in Order to Prevent Entrapment Accidents
http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2011-05-26-swimming-pool-drain-recall_n.htm Commercial pool owners around Missouri must begin inspecting their dra...
Research Shows Strong Correlation between Driver Safety History and Truck Accident Risks
http://www.truckinginfo.com/news/news-detail.asp?news_id=73563 Research by the Department Of Transportation confirms to Missouri truck accident attorn...
FMCSA Needs to Get Tough on Unsafe Bus Companies to Prevent Accidents
In spite of the federal administration’s recent moves towards bus safety, Missouri personal injury lawyers continue to find far too many acciden...