by The Horn Law Firm | Apr 8, 2014 | Auto Accidents
Here at Horn Law Firm, we take distracted driving very seriously. We have seen countless cases involving motorist injury, and death, that was 100% preventable. The Texas Department of Transportation recently released statistics from 2013 showing that 1 in 5 accidents...
by The Horn Law Firm | Apr 1, 2014 | Auto Accidents
Kansas City crash lawyer Doug Horn has been handling personal injury and wrongful death cases for more than 20 years. Through this, he has firsthand experience with the repercussions of distracted and dangerous driving. Horn used this experience, and his passion for...
by The Horn Law Firm | Mar 21, 2014 | Auto Accidents
Spring is nearly here and lawmakers have been busy creating laws to make Missouri roads safer. Two major things are currently in the works. Missouri lawmakers seek to make Missouri the 42nd state to completely ban texting and driving, and the Missouri House has laid...
by The Horn Law Firm | Mar 11, 2014 | Auto Accidents
Kansas City Crash Lawyer, Douglas R. Horn appeared on KC Live on March 10, 2014 with a proposed solution to the distracted driving epidemic. Distracted driving has become America’s highest driving safety priority. With the increasing number of drivers that are...
by The Horn Law Firm | Mar 10, 2014 | Distracted Driving
Distracted Driving – The act of driving with a secondary focus, has seemingly hit its peak. States are creating laws to combat this serious issue, and studies are being conducted to add weight to the problem. Many states have put age-restrictive cell phone bans...