by The Horn Law Firm | Jan 25, 2016 | Distracted Driving
Most people assume distracted driving only applies to passenger vehicles, but motorcycle riders are just as at risk for distractions as someone driving a sedan or SUV. In fact, riders may have more distractions to be aware of, since they are literally exposed to the...
by The Horn Law Firm | Jan 25, 2016 | Hospital Errors
Errors happen in everyday life – including in America’s hospitals. Unfortunately, a large majority of those errors lead to serious injuries, pain and suffering, or death. Worse, these injuries are usually preventable just by better communication between...
by nina | Jan 22, 2016 | Horn Law News, Uncategorized
Doug Horn would like to publicly thank the Lutheran High School of Kansas City and Mr. Lee Rudzinsky for providing him the opportunity to spend several hours with Rudzinsky’s American Government class last Wednesday morning. Horn, who has already launched...
by The Horn Law Firm | Jan 18, 2016 | Distracted Driving
If your vehicle is struck by a distracted driver, the steps after the accident are similar to any other accident – except for one key difference. Accidents are extremely stressful and unexpected. Even if you are the world’s most careful driver, you could...
by The Horn Law Firm | Jan 18, 2016 | Auto Accidents
You do a lot already to keep your children safe. When you drive, you ensure you’re using the right car seat and you buckle them up, but there are other things you can do to ensure they stay safe from Point A to Point B. Even if you assume you are doing all that...