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How We Can Fix Our Driving Culture

Our driving culture is a mess, and the problem on our roadways seems to getting worse. As a crash lawyer, I have had a front row seat for a steady inc...


Something To Think About If You Know Someone Who Is Considering Law School

Last Saturday night I was talking to a group of college students, some who were thinking about law school. They liked the idea of law school, but were...

Auto Accidents

I-70 Westbound On-Ramp at Adams Dairy Parkway, Blue Springs

The I-70 Westbound On-Ramp from Adams Dairy Parkway is a danger zone primarily because it is highly constrictive, making it very difficult for drivers...

Auto Accidents

Dangerous Intersection Alert: 40 Hwy & Adams Dairy Parkway, Blue Springs

Attorney Doug Horn will be profiling dangerous intersections in the Kansas City area. As a crash lawyer, Doug Horn has represented many people who hav...


Why are Motorcycles so Hard to See?

According to recent statistics, there over eight million registered motorcycles on the roads in the United States. While drivers are more aware of mot...

Horn Law News

How Do I Obtain A Fair Injury Settlement From An Insurance Adjuster?

If you have ever made a personal injury claim against an insurance company, you know how hard it is to get a fair and full settlement. Insurance compa...

Personal Injury

What Happens When Seniors Are Injured?

As a Kansas City injury lawyer over the past 25 years, I have handled hundreds of cases in which seniors have been negligently injured. While many of ...


What’s More Dangerous “Texting or Talking?” The Answer May Shock You

The majority of people already understand that texting and driving presents a serious risk to someone behind the wheel, their passengers and others wh...


Tips to Avoid Accidents with Large Trucks

Commercial trucks are the largest vehicles on the road (in most cases). As a result, they require more time to slow down and speed up and more room on...

Teen Drivers

Tips for Teaching Your Teen Driver to be Safe

When it is time for your teen to “take to the road” on their own, you want to have confidence that they know what to do and how to remain ...