Horn At St. Teresa’s Academy To Kick Off Distracted Driving Awareness Month

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by | Apr 5, 2016 | Horn Law News

Attorney Doug Horn got a good start on Distracted Driving Awareness month by bringing his Drive By Example driving safety campaign to St. Teresa’s Academy High School in Kansas City, Missouri. Horn, a long time driving safety advocate, gave special instruction and training to the high school’s SADD club (Students Against Destructive Decisions).

“The emphasis of my presentation to the club was to teach the students that the formula for safe driving is to always drive alert, buckled, and cautious”, Horn said.

Horn’s visit to the school on Friday April 1, was in advance of a week-long driving safety awareness effort in which the St. Teresa’s SADD club will be promoting a safe driving message to their entire school. Horn, who is also providing St. Terersa’s with a driving simulator, hopes that students better appreciate the new universe of risk drivers now face on the road brought on by a new wave of distracted drivers.

Horn is hopeful his efforts will contribute to keeping St. Teresa’s Academy students accident free. “Young drivers are at particular risk for a serious accident. It is important we do what we can to ramp up driving safety with the high school campus.

To bring Horn to your high school, reach out to him at dhorn@hornlaw.com.